

This tool was created to fix a thrustration I had with importating books into Kavita. The tool creates the correct file structure for Kavita and allows you automatically import the best format with ease.

After creating the file strucutre, you simply need to upload the folders to your Kavita server and the books will be read for Kavita to start processing.

Getting Help

If you need help with the tool:

  1. Read these docs.
  2. Search issues (opens in a new tab) and discussions (opens in a new tab) for a solution.
  3. If it seems to be a user error, please ask for help in the discussions (opens in a new tab).
  4. If it seems to be a bug, please open an issue on the GitHub repository (opens in a new tab) with a detailed description of the problem and steps to reproduce it.


This project is open source and contributions are welcome.

For major or feature changes, please first discuss (opens in a new tab) what you would like to change.


AGPL-3.0 (opens in a new tab)


Not associated with Kavita. This is a 3rd party tool.

This is a tool for creating the correct file structure for Kavita. This project is licensed under AGPL-3.0 license. AGPL-3.0 is a copyleft license that requires modifications to be released under the same license.

Additionally, per the licnese, there is no warranty, and the software is provided as is. Contributors are not responsible for any damages or losses arising from the use of the software. Copyright 2024 Tricities Media Group LLC.